Saturday, June 30, 2012


Herregud jag har ju inte publicerat något på jätte länge. Aja ebba blir 14 månader idag :)
Har även sökt lite jobb. Man får ju hoppas på det bästa :) Man gick ju egentligen världens dummaste utbildningen -.- Jätte svårt att jobb pga det :( Kan ju inte leva på min sambos lön hela tiden. Får jag inte jobb snart så får jag väl plugga igen fast jag egentligen hatar det. Klarade ju gymnasiet precis! Nä nu ska jag faktiskt glo lite film tänkte jag! :)

Monday, March 12, 2012


What's wrong with the world today?
You see so much filth lying around, and not just in my country, this happens in every country. It makes the air bad, THE AIR WE BREATH! And the animals breath this same air! All this air pollution must stop. I'm so angry about this. Animals is my biggest concern. I'm that kind of person that puts the animals first, i remember my dad saying to me one day when we didn't have much money left that we also needed to eat, the reason he said it is beacuse i was complaing that the animals food was out. If they don't have anything to eat i give them whatever i find that i know they can eat before i eat. I would rather starve my self than to let the animals starv. That's just the kinda person i am. i love animals, all kind of animals, doesn't matter if their wild or tame. If i could i would donate alot of money every month to animal shelters and other places like that! But i can't, i don't have a job...And it makes me sad, cause i wanna help, lucky me i might get a internship at a daycare for dogs :)Walking the dogs and cleaing up after them! :) It's a start, it might lead to something more :)
I follow the ISF almost every day, and what the do is amazing, i admire them for that. I admire Ian Somerhalder, the founder of ISF, he's a animal lover, don't think i ever seen a bigger animal lover. He's not only that he's an actor as well, and a good one!! That's all for now!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Well i might just have a internship at a dog center! :)
My job will be claning up and walking the dogs :) I'm meeting with the boss on monday :) Other than that eveythings been alright :) I'm a little sick but nothing much :) Today i'm just going to buy a birthday present for my babysister then i'm just going to chill :)


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Marilyn Monroe

I just liked a page on facebook about Mailyn Monroe.
It's such sadness that she died. She was so great!!
My mother told me about her when i was younger.
I saw a movie with her too. She was a brilliant actress and singer.
Listening to some of her songs right now. You kinda wonder why she commited succied. But back then they didn't have it easy. I often wonder what she would be like now, old ofcourse but she would still be that brilliant girl that made you happy. I get happy just listening to her songs :) There so many people trying to look like her now, and you know what? YOU CAN NEVER LOOK JUST LIKE HER!! She was special in her own way and people liked that, there was so much sadness when she died and they made a movie about her now!! Let's just hope it's a good movie. I sometimes wonder if she's still with us in the spirit world, mabye she is mabye not. I like to think she is. One things for sure she will never be forgotten!! xoxo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well, on the 27th i got myself a tatto! My cousin made it and it's AWESOME!Though it's kinda itchi right now!!! I'll put in a picture on it! It's kinda funny, i now have 4 tattos, i'm 19 not so bad, my sister on the other hand is just 16 soon to be 17 and she too has 4 tattos! WE ARE TATTO ADDICTED! Wouldn't suprise me if a got another one soon :P Enough about that, i have 79 followers on Twitter now!!! Jippie :D I'm AWESOME ;) And it's a sunny day today :) Loving it! :D xoxo

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Well, i've started twittering now!
Much fun it is :) Sometimes better than Facebook, haha :)
Made some new friends, and such. It's fun when you can follow
celebs and what they do on a normal day^^ Enough about that, had my sister over for a visit last week. We had loads of fun, really miss her now, but i'll see her soon again :) I'm gonna put up some pictures, not my best work but it will have to do, please comment if
you want :) xoxo

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Well, i succeded in one thing today, i wrote to the ISF creaturs department yesterday and they answerd me today, and guess what? They want to have my little sweet Ebba on their site :D They are gonna write about her :) I was so glad for her, so they wanted a picture of her ofcourse and they wanted my approval to publich the photo :) I finally did something good! :D

Well enough about that now, today i went to Broby to sign in to the AF, but the one has my "case" is in Hässleholm! COME ON! I don't want to ride the buss that far away -.- Anyway, after that we went shopping for food to me, cause my boyfriend was going to work til late in the evning, after that we got lunch and we ran in till Emil and Benny :) Nice to meet them, and then we just went home. Haven't done anything since then (A) That's about it for today :)